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How to Copy a Canvas Course

How to Copy a Canvas Course

You can always bring content from previous terms, or from any Canvas shell that belongs to you.

There are several ways to copy content into your course. However, the following method only requires a few clicks.

To copy content from a previous term or from a template follow these steps:

  1. Open the course with no content.

  2. Click “settings” on your course navigation

  3. The following screen should appear:

  4. Click “Import course content” on the right side. You should see the following screen:

  5. Click the drop down menu next to content type and select “Copy a Canvas Course”

  6. You should see the following screen:

  7. Type the course and section on the “search for a course” box

    1. Check “Include completed courses”

    2. Under content

      1. Select “All content” if you wish to replicate a course or shell

      2. Use “Select specific content” if you wish to import course components separately

    3. You may adjust assignment due dates by selecting”adjusts events and due dates” (optional)

  8. Once you have selected your import settings click the blue import button:

  • 20
  • 30-Nov-2017